Complete Support

Trasco International Ltd
Every new Mercedes vehicle we supply is covered by the worldwide Mercedes Benz guarantee. This fully covers the body and all mechanical parts for the first year after leaving the factory. However, in over 37 years’ exporting experience we have only once called upon this guarantee. In other words, Mercedes cars are Mercedes: reliable and solidly constructed. They hold their value for years after purchase.

We pride ourselves in looking after our clients long after delivery of their vehicles. This is the reason for our successful growth over 37 years in a highly competitive market. Whether finding a replacement part or locating the next service station, we are always there to help.

About Trasco

Trasco International Ltd, was established back in 1979
in Steinhausen, Zug. It sold its first Mercedes cars in 1981.

For the past 38 years, Trasco has sold and shipped more
than 10.000 cars to over 20 different countries with over
hunderts perfectly satisfied customers.


Trasco® International Ltd
Dorfstrasse 29
Postfach / P.O.Box
8914 Aeugst am Albis
Schweiz / Switzerland

Tel: +41 41 748 00 80
Fax: +41 41 748 00 88
Mob:+41 78 618 41 65
